Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sound Thinking

Does it make sense that everything must be fair?  Even even if it means that we must sacrifice what is right or true or just?  Generally life is not fair.  I have come to believe that if something is not first right and true and just then it cannot ever be fair.  Forgiveness is a good example of what is right, true, just and fair.  If I choose to forgive then I am willing to pay the debt that someone else owes me.  I may or may not choose to forgive a debt but if I do then it is automatically fair.  Forgiveness is not something the debtor can earn or deserve because if they could then it would no longer be forgiveness but a paid debt.  Are you entitled to anything given freely?  If your answer is yes then you are deceived and enslaved.  If your answer is no then you are wise and free.  If a government is big enough to give you everything you need then it is big enough to take everything you own.  Is this a true statement?  I must remain free by shaking off the chains of dependancy upon any government or I risk becomming a slave to that government.  If I am not willig to suffer the consequences of my life and I expect the government to deliver me from those consequences then I am not a free person but just another piece of property owned by the State.  Is making everything fair worth loosing your identity, selfworth, prosperity, potential and freedom?  Fairness apart from righteousness, truth and justice is nothing more than oppression and slavery.

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