Saturday, January 7, 2012

Your're Not The Boss of Me!

The popular media, television, radio and print missed the opportunity to better understand the thinking of those who realized that in the T. E. A. [Taxed Enough Already] mindset there is an idea whose time has come.  The media has been scrambling to find a single person to label as the T. E. A. party leader or even leaders with little success.  The results of the 2010 election were amazing and fundamentally driven by this idea whose time has come.  It could be partially described in the phrase I used as my title; "You're not the boss of me!"

1.  Gaining Security by loosing Freedom - is a lie based on the promise of something no human or government can provide while taking away the individual's freedom to choose.  You might say that the slave is protected by the master and therefore has a promise of security.  I happen to believe that if you give up freedom for security you will lose them both.

2.  Whole concept of social justice, salvation and fairness is also a lie.  Those who determine what is fair will always be the exception to the rules of fairness.  Hypocrites once in authority will load up on the backs of the common people heavy loads they must bear but will not even so much as lift a finger to do the same.  That is the ultimate result of "fairness".  What we need is Justice based on Laws that are equally applied to everyone regardless of position, politics or individual wealth.

3.  The individual must be able to fail and do so miserably as a result of that individual's choices and actions.  If that is not permitted, by a governing authority, then they also lose the ability to succeed wonderfully as a result of their choices and actions.  The whole idea that something or someone is too important to fail is a deception, a dodge, a faint for what is truly being accomplished.  When an individual is not allowed to fail it is no different than a corporation that is not allowed to fail.  It is true that the consequences of that failure will be different with each individual or corporation.  When a governmental authority takes steps to keep someone or a corporation from failing they are legally taking over that individual's or corporation's identity and all that it owns.  Nothing good can come of this except for those individuals who are in authority.  Someone once said that a government that can give you everything you need can take away everything you have.  Businesses fail, individuals fail, and when they learn from the failure they try again and hopefully succeed.  The only government regulation that protects the individual is the one that limits the reach and authority of the government.

4.  The media is once again attempting to deceive the individual.  They are telling us who is electable and who is not.  Who can defeat the incumbent and who cannot?  They are fat headed, stubborn and dull in their thinking if they believe their own press.  These are those who fail to learn from their mistakes and are amazed at the outcome when they continue to do the same things over and over while fully believing the results will be different.  The unthinkable happened.  The not electable were elected and those who could not loose were defeated in about 23 States and a portion of the U. S. House and Senate.  Imagine that, people of independent thought placing their votes and ignoring the all mighty media gods.  What is next; will the moral defeat the immoral?  I believe it.

You are not the boss of me!  Something an independent or rebellious child might say to a parent or guardian.  Strong willed children are not rebellious by default.  And yet they will take the point all the way to dying to prove the statement 'you're not the boss of me'.  I suspect that the anger and frustration of 80% of U. S. Citizens has settled into this mind set and they are going to fire all the old guard, those entrenched and haughty government employees, every election year until things change.  2010 proved that "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds." (Samuel Adams).   On a personal note - I have sent letters to my U. S. Senators and Representatives telling them that they are fired.  It was fun.  I hope you will do the same and please add to your note that they are not the boss of you either.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The 20% Solution

We can completely change the direction of the Congress of the United States of America through the 2010 elections. Typically in the non-presidential year elections less than half the registered voters take time to vote. Many of the local, State and Federal elections are won or lost by 10% or less. A minority of voters, about 20%, could completely control every election at all levels and in some locations less than 10% would have the same effect. Should this 20% include a significant number of re-energized voters then it would be a landslide election. This is good news for those of us who feel powerless to make a difference! I believe that there are good, clear thinking people who have come to believe that their State Senators and Representatives refuse to listen to the directions of their constituency. These same Senators and Representatives would rather vote the part line or as directed by the big money people. Recently, I heard someone say "there are two words that should never be used together, career and politician”. And that makes a lot of since to me. It would not be difficult to display the “power” linkages that existing between representatives. Alliances between career politicians have existed for many years and it is time that they are severed. Promises made by and between these career politicians become void as soon as one of them has been replaced. If this 20% would succeed in replacing 30% of the congress in 2010 then the total affect on these alliances would be enormous. This 20% I am speaking of, who are the irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds’ can rock the Congress with honesty and people who are also keen to service and not lordship in the 2010 elections. I am in favor of replacing each and every incumbent Representative or Senator regardless of their political party but that is not realistic. I would accept keeping those who are paying attention to those they swore to represent and voting accordingly as opposed to voting with the party or the big money. I would also like to see the “lawyers” in Congress replaced with farmers and factory workers. We need to weed out those Congressmen and women who would sell our vote thus hurt us in order to become richer or more powerful themselves. Share the 20% solution with your friends and co-workers who are disappointed with the current direction of the USA and especially its economy. Thanks for your time.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Sound Thinking

Does it make sense that everything must be fair?  Even even if it means that we must sacrifice what is right or true or just?  Generally life is not fair.  I have come to believe that if something is not first right and true and just then it cannot ever be fair.  Forgiveness is a good example of what is right, true, just and fair.  If I choose to forgive then I am willing to pay the debt that someone else owes me.  I may or may not choose to forgive a debt but if I do then it is automatically fair.  Forgiveness is not something the debtor can earn or deserve because if they could then it would no longer be forgiveness but a paid debt.  Are you entitled to anything given freely?  If your answer is yes then you are deceived and enslaved.  If your answer is no then you are wise and free.  If a government is big enough to give you everything you need then it is big enough to take everything you own.  Is this a true statement?  I must remain free by shaking off the chains of dependancy upon any government or I risk becomming a slave to that government.  If I am not willig to suffer the consequences of my life and I expect the government to deliver me from those consequences then I am not a free person but just another piece of property owned by the State.  Is making everything fair worth loosing your identity, selfworth, prosperity, potential and freedom?  Fairness apart from righteousness, truth and justice is nothing more than oppression and slavery.